… en wij ook! Riley McShane schreef met Nation of Disgrace namelijk een liedje over het aanhoudende geweld in Charlottesville, Virginia. Nation of Disgrace is een minimalistisch liedje geworden. Hypnotiserende beat en de ietwat vervormde stem van Riley McShane (Dan Auerbach, anyone?). Maar het komt wel binnen, zeg. De lyrics vind je overigens op Riley’s Bandcamp pagina.
Over het liedje zegt hij verder: “I, like many people, was furious and discouraged by the violence, but I also had an intense curiosity about the people who chose to perpetrate this violence- unmasked and in broad daylight. I grew up around similar people, with nothing going their way in life and hatred fostering in their hearts. I wrote this song exploring what would drive a person to identify with a hate group and cause violence.”