Kent McDaniel is kokend heet!

Vandeweek doorden we Down Home Cookin’ van Kent McDaniel. Dat klinkt swampy, bluesy. En dat is de track ook. ZZ Top meets North Mississippi Allstars en Lynyrd Skynyrd. We like it! En dat geldt ook voor het gelijknamige album.

First band Kent ever saw was Salty Gamblin & The Mudcat Band. Spring Fest, his 5th grade year. They walked on stage, plugged in, looked at everybody. Had electric guitar, bass, & drums–& Salty on acoustic & vocals. Bam, they tore into “I Saw The Light.” Chills shot up & down Kent’s body. He’d listened to records, lots of them, but they didn’t compare to this. This was like a miracle He saved up & got a Gibson Melody Maker. Played & sang ever since. Never means to stop. Kent’s on Facebook at: (copy and paste), and he blogs about music, fiction, art, and life in general at: